Friday, November 29, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving 2013

I LOVE the holiday season! Not the crowds or Black Friday on Thanksgiving, no I'm talking about holidays when family gets together to celebrate all the blessing in our lives.  We have so much to be thankful for. This year we traveled to Gatesville to spend Thanksgiving with Gram, Papa, T and Unc.

Lilly enjoyed playing outside with Papa as he pulled her on a wagon. Weeeeee!

She also watched some football with daddy. This little girl is going to be so confused as to which team she needs to cheer for. Her Gram is telling her "say Go Cowboys!" and her dad tells her "say Go Away Cowboys, WHO DAT!" I'm tell you if she is not confused now, she will be soon enough.

This is her cheese face! Hamming it up for the camera.

The happy couple, T and Unc!

 Gram and Papa with Lilly

Our sweet family!

After a long car ride home from Gram and Papa's house, she sleeps.

Also, a sneak peak at Lilly's Christmas dress. My mother-in-law is so talented! I think she LOVES it!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Who's the Teacher??

Robert and I are always looking for ways to teach Lilly whether its colors, shapes, new name it. When she gets something right we congratulate her with a "Good Job Lilly" or "You're Right...Yay". Oh how the tables have turned on us!! Now instead of her learning from us, she wants to be the teacher and has now started to quiz us. As the video illustrates its almost as if she is mocking us. :) We find it hilarious. I don't know about you but I think that Robert is one smart man. He really knows his colors and shapes. 

After a while Robert started to say the wrong shape and color and Lilly would correct him. Smart girl!!

Lilly loves to read books and sing. Every single time I watch this next video (and I admit I watch it often) it puts the biggest smile on my face. As Thanksgiving approaches I can't help but think how blessed Robert and I are to have such a special little girl in our lives. God has blessed us with many, many things but the most important is being a mommy to Lillian. I know that Robert feels the same and is the best daddy to our sweet girl. It's that time of the year where you reflect on your life and family and thank God for all that you have and all the love you feel in your heart for the special people in your life. Praise God for our sweet family!

The Saints had a BIG win this week so I will leave you with a picture of our little Who Dat (sorry Ann).

Sunday, November 3, 2013

It's a Spooky, Fun, Birthday, Busy Week!

Like the title says this week was...well busy. Not just because of work and the long hours put in but because we had places to be almost everyday. The week started out with a celebration of Kaitlyn's 11th birthday. Lilly was so excited, we "trained" her to say Happy Birthday and she hasn't stopped saying it. In her words, "It's KK Birthday? It's PawPaw's Birthday?" Yes Lilly!!! She must have said it about 20 times in one night. So maybe it was a back fire in teaching her that. 

To celebrate we went out to a Thai restaurant (Kaitlyn's choice). It was the first time Robert and I had tried Thai food. It was surprisingly good. Not my first choice for us and Lilly but it was a great experience and celebration for my sweet niece and my daddy (who's birthday is Halloween).

On Halloween we went over Aunt Stacey's and Uncle Danny's house to trick or treat. Lilly participated a lot more this year. There were some moments that were quite entertaining too. 

Here is the gang before going trick or treating. We realized pretty quickly that Lilly didn't like people with masks.  We have a pretty butterfly (Lilly), Moses (Robert), Batman (Uncle Danny), Zombie Punk Rocker (Kaitlyn), Witch (Memaw), Old Miner (PawPaw). That's one spooky and diverse group.

We started out pretty strong walking to each house and saying "Trick or Treat." We forgot to say thank you a bunch but mommy and daddy were there to remind her. 

After a while we started playing a little game. The game involves walking up to the house, getting some candy, getting into the stroller to be pushed about 15 feet to the next house, then getting out of the stroller to get more candy, repeat about 30 times. Let's just say that got pretty old. And to make it even better the princess butterfly was being pushed my the super batman.It made for a great photo.

At one point in the night Lilly received plastic vampire teeth. She quickly told the man "I don't want that" and as she is shaking her head no she handed them back to him.

Wow even the Birthday boy was scared of the Zombie Punk Rocker. Spooooooky!

Given it was All Hallow's Eve I decided not to edit this picture. Lilly looks at little spooky here.

This was a fun picture from this Saturday. Aunt Stacey gave Lilly Kailtyn's old swing set and Robert and my dad finished putting it together. Lilly LOVES her new swing! I love seeing the genuine joy on our sweet girl's face.

After a crazy busy week at work and with all the outings Robert and I got to relax last night and watch a Mavs game from my company's suite at the AAC. We had a great time and the best thing about it was the tickets were FREE. Big thanks to T and Unc for watching our sweet girl.

 One last photo of the sweet Butterfly, Lilly!