Sunday, December 29, 2013

Christmas Continued

Lilly's Gram and Papa came to town this weekend to celebrate Christmas with us. We had a wonderful visit. We spent the day at T and Unc's house and enjoyed a wonderful dinner together. Lilly wore her Christmas dress made by Gram. I love my precious girl.

 Papa and Lilly

 Gram and Lilly

 Enjoying some quality time with Papa

Lilly decided that she wanted to hand out presents this year. Everything she picked up was for Lilly and she was usually right. Lilly got a lot of presents, including stuffed Sully monster and a castle. I think that Robert and I really need to consider getting a bigger house because we just don't have a place for all these wonderful toys. 

I kept hearing, mommy come in here. My response was "Mommy is 6 feet tall honey she doesn't fit." I made it about halfway into the house then she kicked me out. I think this was a look into the future when she is a teenager and kicks me out of her room. Silly girl!

Lilly loves Bitsy, I'm not sure Bitsy feels the same though. Lilly kept chasing her around the house all weekend. Poor puppy.

 One of Lilly's favorite gifts was her princess books. She has been reading them non stop.

 It was a great Christmas week! We got to spend time with family and celebrate our Saviors birth. Lilly thanks everyone for coming to see her and teaching her the true meaning of Christmas, Love.

Thursday, December 26, 2013


We have been gearing Lilly up for Christmas teaching her about Jesus and Santa and presents and man are we exhausted. She had a lot of questions but I think she finally got it! She even sang Jesus and birthday song.

We had a blessed Christmas surrounded by family. The festivities started on Christmas eve at my parents house and man were we in for a treat. There was a lot of laughter that filled the house and even a performance, but we will get to that later. Lilly got to enjoy some play time with her cousin Taylor before everyone arrived. The girls were giggling like crazy and running all over the house. Lucky for me my mom's house is kid proof. :)

My mommy and Lilly

 Lots of stocking by the fireplace.

 Daddy preparing our Christmas feast.

Way too many cooks in the kitchen

My sister Stacey and brother-in-law Danny

Taylor's first photobomb

This is what you get when you try to get these three girls together for a picture. Silly Girls! 
Kaitlyn (11) Lilly (2) Taylor (8)

Lilly taking a milk break. Smiling is exhausting

Me and my sisters, Theresa and Stacey. I won't reveal their ages like I did above for the kids but I will let you in on a secret, I'm the youngest. :)

Danny, Stacey and Kaitlyn

My niece Kaitlyn choreographed a wonderful dance with her daddy. She is so sweet! I hope that Lilly does this with Robert some day.

My sweet family! So blessed to have a loving family.

Theresa, Taylor and Jeremy

Let's try this again but this time in your PJ's. I think we are getting worse. Look at the camera kids!

On Christmas morning Lilly got up at 9:30am (it was a Christmas miracle, we got to sleep in) and saw all that Santa brought her. She loves her castle! We enjoyed some pancakes and had a nice visit from Memaw and Pawpaw. It was a wonderful Christmas!

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Conversations with a 2 year old

I am reminded daily how precious, genuine and innocent children really are. I have had a few conversations with Lilly recently that just melt my heart. I know I need to write these down before I forget them. So here are some of my favorites recently.

We have had conversations with Lilly recently about Christmas being Jesus' birthday and about Santa and presents. So I decided to ask a loaded question to Lilly not knowing what she would say. I asked her what she wanted Santa to bring her. Her response was "Applesauce." Maybe she was just hungry at the time I asked her but what an unexpected response. I guess she is going to be easy to buy for. :)

Everyday on our way home from school we pass by our church. Lilly LOVES going to church on Sunday's so she immediately recognizes the building.

Lilly: That's Church! Mommy church, Daddy church, Lilly church. I want to go church.
Me: Lilly we aren't going to church today, we are going to go home and see Daddy.
Lilly: Ok, bye church. I love you God.
She says this on a regular basis now but I think that the first time she said it I cried. My heart is so full of love for this child.

On Friday I was running on the treadmill and Lilly came into the room to have a quick conversation with me.

Lilly: Hi Mommy, You Runnin'?
Me: Yes honey (trying to catch my breath)
Lilly: You feel good?
Me: Yes baby.
Lilly: You need a napkin? (I'm guessing she saw I was sweating profusely.)
Me: yes, that would be great.
Lilly runs into the kitchen asks Robert for a napkin and returns to give it to me.
Lilly: Here Mommy. (hands me the napkin)
Me: Thanks Lilly that was very sweet of you.
Lilly: Welcome! you done runnin'?
Me: Almost
Lilly: Good Job Mommy! (starts clapping)

It amazes me how much she has learned in just two years and how observant she is. For her to know that I needed a towel to wipe my face and to offer to get me one is amazing. Robert and I are so lucky to have such a special, sweet and kind baby girl.

Christmas is approaching and I am reminded of all the gifts we have been blessed with in our lives. Family is so important to us and I can't wait to spend time with family this week. I leave you with a couple videos and photos from Lilly's school Christmas party. May this Christmas time be filled with Peace, Hope, Joy and LOVE.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Tis the Season to be Jolly and Joyous

We went to see Santa this weekend and to sum up the experience in one word it would be "Traumatized." She did great watching the other kids see Santa and not cry but as soon as it was her turn she immediately stopped walking towards Santa and said "I don't want to, NOOOOO!" Santa was really nice he bribed Lilly with candy and a reindeer duck but she wasn't having it. So we did what most parents do we forced her to sit on Santa's lap and took a picture of her balling her eyes out and screaming. Why do we do this to our kids again...oh yeah, it's FUN!

After pictures we enjoyed a nice lunch with the grandparents. Lilly and Papa were having a good time.

To keep it a Christmas themed weekend on Sunday night we decorated our Christmas tree and watched two Christmas movies, Polar Express and Muppet Christmas Carol. Lilly was a my little helper when it came to hanging up the ornaments. After a while though she got frustrated when they fell off so she ended up handing them to me for me to hang. I love making these sweet memories with her.

Daddy's favorite ornament a Saint Snowman

All Done..."Cheese"

Tonight we took Lilly to the Gaylord Texas Ice exhibit. Despite being COLD (as expected) it was amazing. The sculptures were beautiful!

Lilly even went down the ice slide. It was quite a workout though. I had to get video of it. It reminded me of the way she used to "crawl" or scoot on her bottom.

Robert's reenactment of The Christmas Story. Don't worry his tongue is ok. :)

We found it hilarious that there was a fire extinguisher in the ice exhibit. I'm sure the carpet could catch on fire but still funny.

 At the end were my FAVORITE sculptures, the Nativity Scene. What a beautiful display and so detailed. The only crazy thing is over the speaker they announced "The birth of Jesus two centuries ago." Robert and I looked at each other and he asked "Did they just say two centuries?" Umm we are pretty sure Jesus' birth was more than two centuries ago. :)

We look so small in this BIG present!