Sunday, March 31, 2013

He is Risen! Happy Easter!

Today was a glorious day filled with church, family time and EGGS! The day started off a little stormy.  When driving to church this morning it started to storm pretty bad. There was lots of rain and lightening. We made it safely to church though and attended a great service. Once church was over the sky was clear and we were off to breakfast with the family.

The Easter bunny stopped by Aunt Stacey's house and Lilly had a blast hunting for eggs. Her cousins Kaitlyn and Taylor were great helpers, showing Lilly how it's done and directing her towards the eggs.

The girls let Lilly go out first and the first egg she got was the GOLDEN EGG! :) It didn't take her long to figure out what to do...get as many as your can and try to find the ones with money (Thanks Memaw and Pawpaw).

Taylor was so sweet offering to help Lilly pick up the eggs. Although, the only help Lilly needed was stability. She kept falling down.

 Case and point right here, she was bending too far forward.

Woohoo, a money egg! She ended up with $10 total and even a $2 bill.

She was easily distracted by the cars going by being oh so friendly to stop and wave. By the time the eggs hunt was over her basket was full and heavy. She wanted to carry it though and eggs went everywhere every time she fell or walked.

When it was time to sit down for a picture with her cousins she wasn't having it and the meltdown began. Poor Taylor didn't know what to do....Daddy to the rescue!

Finally a sweet picture with all her cousins. :) I LOVE these girls so much!

And lastly a family picture. Not the best but we do what we can. :) Just love the hair flinging action shot. Looks like Lilly back handed me. We had a wonderful Easter, couldn't have asked for a better day!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Church Easter Egg Hunt

This is the first time that Lilly participated in an Easter egg hunt and I think it was a good success minus the crowds.  The Custer Road UMC did a great job organizing it and providing bounce houses and a petting zoo. We also got a very special children's book about Easter. Mommy LOVES it!

Lilly had a great nap this morning so we were ready to go!

It was really windy!

We got there a little early but luckily they had a petting zoo to keep Lilly entertained for a while. She didn't go in the petting zoo but she enjoyed watching them behind the fence. Well....until that bunny took a step forward, Lilly took a BIG step back. I 

We also met up with some sweet friends (Evie and Henry) and got some hugs. :)

And we're off to find some eggs. She was very leisure about picking up eggs. It wasn't a race for her.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Makeup Makes Me Pretty

Lilly has been keeping a close eye on mommy, watching me apply makeup everyday. Well she did the unexpected and grabbed my makeup bag and inspected every item. The funny part was she knew what she was doing, She put the brush into the eyeshadow container and put the brush to her eye area. It was the cutest thing. :) I now know she is watching me like a hawk and wants to do the things mommy and daddy does.

I believe Lilly's new favorite color is PURPLE which I have to admit I'm very happy about because that's my favorite color. She has been attached to her purple coat always wanting it and dragging it around the house. Now she has added in a purple sweater and lavender blanket. I'm sad to say that she has outgrown the coat so it will need to make it's departure soon to storage. Hopefully she doesn't miss it too much. I'm sure I can find another purple item to replace it.

This morning she was ready to go to church yelling and trying to open the door to get out to the car. This happens every morning when it is time to go to school. Somehow though she knows when its Saturday because she never does this on Saturdays. She is smart! Now if she will only sleep in on Saturdays.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Weekend Fun

Lilly had two fun-filled weekends! Last weekend we attempted to take Lilly to see Sesame Street Live. I say attempted because she watched a total of 10 minutes of the show. It was actually a good show but I think she will need to be a little older to fully enjoy it. So instead of watching the show we took some pictures with a cardboard Big Bird. :)

This weekend Lilly and I participated in our second Esperanza charity race at Custer Road UMC. The funny part was when her Papa asked me "Did Lilly beat you?" The answer was YES because I was behind her pushing the stroller while running. :) It was super cold but Lilly was a trooper.

2012 Race 

2013 Race

Lilly has become a picky eater lately and only wants to eat pureed fruits and veggies. Well this morning I gave her oatmeal from a squeeze pouch and she loved it. Not sure exactly why it is bad from a spoon but how to do explain that it is the same thing to a 17 month old. When she was done, so got down from her chair and went over to the trash can and threw it away. That's mama's GIRL! I'm so proud, my baby is learning how to clean!

Lilly has been obsessed with being on the couch. She will stand in front of it and say "UP" or "SIT" so she can sit with mommy and daddy and read her books. I don't mind that at all but she gets up and down constantly and I get tired just watching her. Tonight she was relaxing with daddy drinking some water. Doesn't she look comfortable?