Sunday, April 7, 2013

Fun on the Farm

Yesterday was a fun day for Lilly because she got to spend most of the day outside. We enjoyed the day at a friends farm in Greenville. If we allowed her to be outside 24/7 she would. Robert and I took turns with her as she was all over the place and frankly wearing us out. I think the only time she stopped moving was when I told her that it was time to have some milk.

Lilly loves her daddy so much. She gave him a big ole open mouth kiss and leaned in for some hugs and a game of "squishy face."

 Don't know how you could miss this chair and we took advantage of it for a great photo. She looks so tiny.

 Lilly explored every inch of the property. She got to see some "Moos" and "Puppies" and "Bubbles." Robert and I took turns with her as she was all over the place and frankly wearing us out. I think the only time she stopped moving was when I told her that it was time to have some milk.

Oh wait, never mind she was still on the go after I handed her the milk.

After the bubbles were "All Done" we could tell that she was exhausted and it was time to head back home. So we did the good parent thing and put her in her PJs for the ride home. Well shortly after changing her she got sick, not once but twice. Oh and I won the mother of the day award too. Let's just say it was everywhere....I mean everywhere. Oh and have I mentioned I have the best husband and sister in law? Robert gave me the shirt of his back his because mine was horrible and Jennifer helped me change Lilly back into her play clothes for the ride home. I guess I would have been mother of the month if I brought another PJ outfit. No such luck. It was a pretty bad night but baby girl is better today and sleeping as I type. Just another day in the life of a toddler. :)

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