Saturday, June 23, 2012

6 Months (Easter and Sour Apples)

The sixth month was a month of a lot of firsts. Lilly sat up on her own, started talking more and had a taste of lots of fruits and vegetables.This has to be hands down the funniest video of Lilly so far. At six months we started feeding her solids and she had the best reaction to apples. She LOVES them but this batch was a little sour. Lilly loves to eat!

Lilly and I ran our first 5k together. She needed a diaper change around mile 2. This medal was made by a 11 year old.

Robert and I celebrated our third wedding anniversary. Love this man!

One of the hardest decisions Robert and I had to make was which school we were going to send Lilly to. Although it was hard for mommy and daddy, Lilly seemed to adapt well and made new friends.

Lilly celebrated her first Easter. She did really well throughout the service (as long as I was holding her). Here are some pictures of us outside the church.

 Lilly was so over this Easter Bunny she wouldn't even look at him

Lilly's 6 Month Stats:
Weight: 18 lbs 3 oz -88%
Height: 28 inches - 99%
Head 16.5 inches - 74%

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