Sorry the pictures are blurry.
Since watching the movie in the theater and before the movie was released on dvd, Lilly had been asking about it. "I want to see Snowcone," as she called it before she learned the movie title. Well now that we own the movie Lilly is officially obsessed. I'm not exaggerating. It is embarrassing to admit this but the teachers at Lilly school totally called me out yesterday. Every Tuesday is movie day at Lilly school and the parents of the kids take turns bringing a movie to school for everyone to enjoy. Well wouldn't you guess what movie a child brought yesterday....yep...Frozen. So that afternoon I get to school to pick up Lilly and her teacher asks me "How many times has Lilly seen Frozen?" My response was "too many, why?" The teacher then explains to me that Lilly knew the words to the movie and all the songs and started acting out scenes. Seriously, acting out scenes?? I was so embarrassed. When we got home Lilly asked to watch the movie again and I just couldn't do it, I didn't turn it on. Instead we played and had a nice evening without Frozen being on in the background. As I am putting Lilly to bed last night she asks me for an Elsa doll. So I said "Sure, mommy will get you an Elsa doll tomorrow." Ummmmm, not going to happen. Lucky for me 2 year olds don't remember everything they ask for.
Fast forward to today and my search for the said Elsa doll. I took a stroll to Target on my lunch break today and there was absolutely no Frozen dolls. The only thing I could find was an activity book and story book. So then I start calling around to other targets, walmart's and toys-r-us, Disney stores, every single store in the metroplex is sold out of Elsa dolls. So then I got online and Disney is sold out, amazon has a few things but they want you to pay $65-$129 for a doll worth $20 sold in stores. Um, no thanks!
When did I become that crazy mom who is searching high and low for a toy? I used to laugh at the people on TV around Christmas time standing in lines for hours and fighting and pulling hair just to get the last toy in the store. Not me, never me! Well until today. I think back to when I was a kid and cabbage patch dolls were a hit. My parents probably did the same thing. It's crazy! So if you happen to find a Elsa doll at a store, think of Lilly and buy one for her. This mom would greatly appreciate it!