Saturday, July 28, 2012

Doing the Splits

We had a great time with friends last night watching the Olympics opening ceremony. Lilly was showing her flexibility again by doing the splits. She is ready to compete in gymnastics.

I think she is getting ready to crawl. :)

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Lilly is 10 Months

I think I say this every month but I can't believe Lilly is a month 10 MONTHS. Makes me sad and happy at the same time. She didn't want to smile for her 10 month pictures but still looks so stinkin' cute.

Our baby girl learns something new every day. She still doesn't like being on her tummy and won't crawl but mommy and daddy can entice her with a remote control. Once it lights up she forgets what she is doing and suddenly all is well. The TV settings were so messed up by the time I took it away from her but she enjoyed it. Lilly has also started to stand with some assistance and is drinking from a sippy cup. Bye Bye Bottles!!!! We are so proud of her!

 Look at Lilly showing off! What I would give to be that flexible again. :)

Lilly got to meet her 2nd cousin Gina for the first time. There was an instant connection. It was a great weekend filled with wedding festivities, a bridal shower and bachelorette party for Lilly's T.

Every night I put this baby to bed and as I watch her sleeping peacefully and thank God for all the blessings he has given to Robert and I. We LOVE our baby girl so much!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

9 Months and Enhancing our Vocabulary

Our baby girl is nine months, where did the time go..seriously...where? She continues to surprise us with her speech. Her words thus far consist of Dada, Dad, Dog, Bye, Ball, Caaa (maybe cat, not quite sure yet since we don't have a cat but there is one at school). Last week I went to get Lilly from school and as we were leaving she pointed at Gabby (the school dog) and said "Dog." I was amazed!! Couldn't believe she made the connection. At first I thought it was a fluke but when we were sitting at the table eating that same night she said dog while looking at Baxter (our Porkie Yorkie Schnauzer). She says dog at the end of the video. Oh and she waves bye bye as well.

After we ate I took her down the hallway to change her and as we were walking I stopped to turn around and said "wave bye bye to daddy". She blurted out "Bye Dad" and waved her hand. Remarkable!!! Robert and I had a good laugh. We couldn't believe what she had just said. Such a smart baby girl! LOVE HER!!

I was remembering a picture I saw of me when I was Lilly's age and I searched and found it in my baby book. I don't think there is a question she is my daughter, I see the resemblance. Of course Lilly is definitely unique and her own person but indeed a good mixture of me and Robert for sure. Poor girl has my ears though. Sorry Lilly, you will grow more hair and you can cover those up. Embrace them while you can because they are CUTE on you. Lilly (left), Mindy (right)

Thursday, July 5, 2012

8 Months and Full of Energy

Lilly is full of energy these days. She isn't crawling and refuses to stand but she will flip over and and reach for her toys. Every time we put her on her stomach she immediately flips over on her back. Hate is a strong word but Lilly REALLY despises being on her stomach!! We are working on crawling but she doesn't like being on her knees either. This girl might just get up one day and walk.

Lilly went with her T to get fitted for her wedding dress. Lilly had a lot of fun and was the center of attention at the bridal shop. Sorry Jennifer, Lilly stole the show. Can't wait to post those photos but can't just in case the groom reads this blog.

Lilly loves to clap!!

7 months (First Mother's Day)

Lilly is completly shocked to know she is turning 7 months old. The picture above shows proof. We have such a happy baby girl. Seriously...I know a lot of parents out there brag about thier babies about how good they are but Lilly truly is such a good baby. She giggles, flaps her arms like she is flying away and claps. She learned to clap when we sing "If your happy and you know it, clap your hands." She absolutely loves music!!! My mom keeps reminding me that when baby #2 comes around, that child will be much worse.

It was my first mother's day and I couldn't have been happier spending the day with my two loves. Robert and Lilly surprised me with beautiful lillies. Robert had to work during the day but we were able to go out as a family for a nice dinner. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family.